
Pricing assets: Handshake and the 2013 Nobel Prize for Economics

Pricing assets: Handshake and the 2013 Nobel Prize for Economics

It’s midday on Monday 14th October 2013 and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has just announced the winners of this year’s Nobel prize for Economics (but see note below). This year it’s been awarded to three economists who have a common focus on the same problem, but who have taken rather different approaches to tackling it, and come up with rather different solutions. What they all have in c... »

Come Together

Come Together

The history of technology is fascinating. It’s not just finding out more about, say, Alexander Graham Bell and the fact that he probably shouldn’t be remembered as the man who invented the telephone (arguably it was Elisha Grey – see Wikipedia to learn more), but in truth, probably no one person did. Technologies are created by the coming together of a host of innovations, and the point at w... »